Un Avant-Goût!

 The members of Cadeauvert in L'Estère had taken the initiative to launch an event as a precursor to the School Reforestation Program. This month of June is for starters!

The event was held on the campus of the Collège Le Galiléen de L’Esère on June 1, 2024. The beauty of this first initiative was that it was held in conjunction with other groups working for the welfare of the youth in the area, like the Child and Youth Development Center (CDEJ) of the Church of Nazarene of L'Estère,

 For the implementation, they enrolled a group of forty (40) students from Middle School & Junior High (Fundamental II and IlI) to participate in the activities of the day.  The program displayed a rather rich menu:

  • Visit to a beautiful green place in L’Estère called Balanyen

 • Conference by two (2) guest speakers

 • Distribution of hot meals

 • Distribution of seedlings to students

 After the students had received a seedling each, they had the mandate to be the care giver for their seedling. They were to plant them at home or elsewhere, and protecting them until they become mature trees.

Everyone benefited from that event. The Students were inspired by the fact that they too, hold a share of responsibility to the welfare of their community and the environment.

The Cadeauvert L’Estère Team will follow up with the students.

Cadeauvert Team L’Estère

Franckel St Pierre : Collège Miste le Galiléen de L’Estère

Louivens Baptiste : Institut Mixte Baptiste Conservatrie de L’Estère

Sadrack Charles : Lycée National de L’Estère 

Fenel Estinvil : Institution Miste Exantus

Junior Mervilus: Institution Mixte Georges Muller de L’Estère

One Student, One tree…Every Year!


Ready, Set…Go!


My Parasol, This Tree